They also make cannabis-infused hoppy sparkling water called Hi-Fi Hops that’s available at dispensaries in Colorado and California.
Best hop water full#
It is full of hops with some yeast for added biotransformation. Lagunitas – sells a “Hoppy Refresher” inspired by their flagship IPA that is made with Citra, Ekuanot, and Centennial hops, natural flavors, and a pinch of yeast. “It’s not trying to mimic beer, it’s something entirely new.” “We use aroma hops, not bittering hops, so it has complex citrus flavors,” Tecker says. Tecker finally perfected the recipe and started distributing it nationwide. H2OPS - started in 2013 by Paul Tecker, a long-time home brewer, craft beer enthusiast, and proponent of healthy food and beverages, H2OPS was originally introduced at various craft brew festivals. Hop water offers similar benefits without the hassle and expense involved in brewing NA beer. One reason for the rapid rise in the popularity of hop water is that making a traditional NA beer requires you to remove alcohol from beer which requires a significant amount of water and electricity. In fact, hop water is more sparkling water than craft brew. Also referred to as “hop seltzer,” some hop water even includes a small amount of yeast to help biotransform any dry hops added to the water however, no grains are used in this brew, so the alcohol content stays at zero percent. Hop water is essentially carbonated water infused with the flavoring of hops. Hop water, on the other hand, has neither and is billed as much easier to brew and as a healthier alternative to NA beer. NA beers, however, typically have between 80-100 calories along with traces of gluten from the grain used to brew the beer. Non-Alcoholic BeerĪ common misperception is that hop water is equivalent to non-alcoholic (NA) beer. Cheers All explains what hop water is and why it has recently become a popular alternative for traditional beer drinkers.